What is SheetyColors?

SheetyColors is an action sheet styled color picker for iOS:

  • Based on UIAlertController: The SheetyColors API is based on UIKit’s UIAlertController. Simply add buttons to it as you would for any other Action Sheet by defining UIAlertAction instances. Therefore, it nicely integrates with the look & feel of all other native system dialogs. However, you can also chose to use the color picker it self without an action sheet.
  • SwiftUI support: SheetyColors can also be used as part of your SwiftUI projects. Have a look at the Usage section to get further info.
  • iOS 13 ready: SheetyColors has been tested on devices running iOS 13 Beta. The library is also optimized to work well with the new Dark Mode.
  • Fully configurable: You can choose between a variety of configurations such as a color model (RGB, HSB, or Grayscale), alpha component support, haptic feedback, text/message label, and many more.
  • Intuitive UI: Each slider comes with a gradient that gives you an idea of how changing individual slider values affects the resulting color.


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/chrs1885/SheetyColors
  • Resource Maker: Christoph Wendt
  • Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
  • Programming Languages: Swift
  • CocoaPods: SheetyColors
  • Carthage: chrs1885/SheetyColors
  • Swift Package Manager: https://github.com/chrs1885/SheetyColors.git