What is json-framework?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a light-weight data interchange format that’s easy to read and write for humans and computers alike. This library implements chunk-based JSON parsing and generation in Objective-C.


SBJson’s number one feature is chunk-based operation. Feed the parser one or more chunks of UTF8-encoded data and it will call a block you provide with each root-level document or array. Or, optionally, for each top-level entry in each root-level array.

With chunk-based parsing you can reduce the apparent latency for each download/parse cycle of documents over a slow connection. You can start parsing and return chunks of the parsed document before the entire document is even downloaded. You can also parse massive documents bit by bit so you don’t have to keep them all in memory.


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/stig/json-framework
  • Resource Maker: Stig Brautaset
  • Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
  • Programming Languages: Objective-C
  • CocoaPods: SBJson5
  • Carthage: stig/json-framework