A Splash view that animates and reveals its content
What is RevealingSplashView?
A Splash view that animates and reveals its content, inspired by Twitter splash.
- Customizable reveal icon image.
- Customizable icon image color.
- Customizable icon image size.
- Customizable background color.
- Customizable animation duration.
- Customizable animation delay.
- Several animation to choose from.
- Easy to use.
- Pricing: Free
- Resource Link: https://github.com/PiXeL16/RevealingSplashView
- Resource Maker on Twitter: Chris Jimenez
- Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
- Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
- Programming Languages: Swift
- CocoaPods: RevealingSplashView
- Carthage: PiXeL16/RevealingSplashView
The team behind mobintouch
Website: https://www.mobintouch.com
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