What is Fresco?

Fresco is a powerful system for displaying images in Android applications.

Fresco takes care of image loading and display, so you don’t have to. It will load images from the network, local storage, or local resources, and display a placeholder until the image has arrived. It has two levels of cache; one in memory and another in internal storage.

In Android 4.x and lower, Fresco puts images in a special region of Android memory. This lets your application run faster – and suffer the dreaded OutOfMemoryError much less often.

Fresco also supports:

  • streaming of progressive JPEGs
  • display of animated GIFs and WebPs
  • extensive customization of image loading and display
  • and much more!


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/facebook/fresco
  • Resource Maker: Facebook
  • Mobile Platform Destination: Android Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native Android
  • Programming Languages: Java
  • Gradle: com.facebook.fresco:fresco:2.2.0