UITableView cell cache that cures scroll-lags on a cell instantiating
What is UITableView-Cache?
UITableView+Cache is a light UITableView category that purges scroll-lag that occurs on a new cell instantiation during scroll. It makes UITableView instantiate and cache cells before cellForRow:atIndexPath: call. It also provides simple interface very similar to existing registerClass/registerNib one.
- Pricing: Free
- Resource Link: https://github.com/Kilograpp/UITableView-Cache
- Resource Maker: Maxim Gubin
- Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
- Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
- Programming Languages: Objective-C
- CocoaPods: UITableView+Cache
- Carthage: Kilograpp/UITableView-Cache
The team behind mobintouch
Website: https://www.mobintouch.com
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