What is TvOSMoreButton?

The TvOSMoreButton is a simple view which aims to mirror the behavior of Apple’s “… More” button; as seen in the Movie App.


If the text is too long to fit with in the button bounds then the text will be truncated and ‘… More’ will be appended.

By default, if the text is truncated the button will be focusable. If the text is not truncated then the button will not be focusable.

However, you can set focusableMode to manual(_ isFocusable: Bool) to alter the focus behavior. This mode will force the button to be always be focused or never be focused.

When the button is focused, pressing select on the Apple TV remote will trigger a callback.

The majority of the UI properties are configurable; like

  • the button text
  • ellipse text; defaults to ‘…’
  • trailing text; defaults to “More”
  • trailing text color and font
  • the button text color and font
  • shadows and radius


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/cgoldsby/TvOSMoreButton
  • Resource Maker: Chris Goldsby
  • Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
  • Programming Languages: Swift
  • CocoaPods: TvOSMoreButton
  • Carthage: cgoldsby/TvOSMoreButton