What is TinyBus?

TinyBus is the faster implementation of Otto event bus with additional features you missed.

TinyBus API in a nutshell:

  • @Subscribe annotates event handler methods running in the main thread.
  • @Subscribe(mode=Mode.Background) annotates event handler methods running in a background thread.
  • @Subscribe(mode=Mode.Background, queue=”web”) annotates event handler methods running in a serialized background queue with given name. You can have as many queues as you want.
  • @Produce annotates methods returning most recent events (aka sticky events).
  • Bus.register(Object) and Bus.unregister(Object) register and unregister objects with annotated subscriber and producer methods.
  • Bus.hasRegistered(Object) checks, whether given object is already registered.
  • Bus.post(Object) posts given event object to all registered subscribers.
  • Bus.postDelayed(Object, long) and Bus.cancelDelayed(Class) schedules single event delivery for later in time and cancels it.


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/beworker/tinybus
  • Resource Maker: Sergej Shafarenka
  • Mobile Platform Destination: Android Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native Android
  • Programming Languages: Java
  • Gradle: de.halfbit:tinybus:3.0.2