What is ReactiveSwift?

ReactiveSwift offers composable, declarative and flexible primitives that are built around the grand concept of streams of values over time.

These primitives can be used to uniformly represent common Cocoa and generic programming patterns that are fundamentally an act of observation, e.g. delegate pattern, callback closures, notifications, control actions, responder chain events, futures/promises and key-value observing (KVO).

Because all of these different mechanisms can be represented in the same way, it’s easy to declaratively compose them together, with less spaghetti code and state to bridge the gap.


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift
  • Resource Maker: ReactiveCocoa
  • Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
  • Programming Languages: Swift
  • iOS Versions Supported: iOS 8.0+, iOS 9.0+, iOS 10.0+, iOS 11.0+, iOS 12.0+
  • CocoaPods: ReactiveSwift
  • Carthage: ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift