A Slack API Client for the Perfect Server-Side Swift Framework
What is PerfectSlackAPIClient?
PerfectSlackAPIClient is an API Client to access the Slack API from your Perfect Server Side Swift application. It is build on top of PerfectAPIClient, a network abstraction layer to perform network requests from your Perfect Server Side Swift application.
- Pricing: Free
- Resource Link: https://github.com/CaptainYukinoshitaHachiman/PerfectSlackAPIClient
- Resource Maker: Yukinoshita Hachiman
- Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
- Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
- Programming Languages: Swift
- Swift Package Manager: https://github.com/SvenTiigi/PerfectSlackAPIClient.git
The team behind mobintouch
Website: https://www.mobintouch.com
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