What is Bond?

Bond is a Swift binding framework that takes binding concepts to a whole new level. It’s simple, powerful, type-safe and multi-paradigm – just like Swift.

Bond is built on top of ReactiveKit and bridges the gap between the reactive and imperative paradigms. You can use it as a standalone framework to simplify your state changes with bindings and reactive data sources, but you can also use it with ReactiveKit to complement your reactive data flows with bindings, reactive delegates and reactive data sources.

Bond is a backbone of the Binder Architecture – a preferred architecture to be used with the framework.


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/DeclarativeHub/Bond
  • Resource Maker: Declarative Hub
  • Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
  • Programming Languages: Swift
  • iOS Versions Supported: iOS 8.0+, iOS 9.0+, iOS 10.0+, iOS 11.0+, iOS 12.0+
  • CocoaPods: Bond
  • Carthage: DeclarativeHub/Bond
  • Swift Package Manager: https://github.com/DeclarativeHub/Bond.git