What is Carbon?

Carbon is a library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView inspired by React.

This make it painless to build and maintain the complex UIs.

Uses DifferenceKit which is highly optimized based on Paul Heckel’s paper for diffing.

Declarative design and diffing algorithm make your code more predictable, debugging easier and providing beautiful animations to users.

Our goal is similar to Instagram/IGListKit and airbnb/Epoxy, we respect those library as pioneers.


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/ra1028/Carbon
  • Resource Maker: Ryo Aoyama
  • Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
  • Programming Languages: Swift
  • iOS Versions Supported: iOS 10.0+, iOS 11.0+, iOS 12.0+
  • CocoaPods: Carbon
  • Carthage: ra1028/Carbon