What is Blade?

Automatically build and rebuild Xcode image catalogs for app icons, universal images, and more.

  • Use in existing projects to generate image catalogs with no extra work. Blade will automagically refresh your image catalogs based on given master images.
  • Use templates of image catalogs to generate new catalogs.


Because most of the time your image catalogs are the same image, resized to various sizes.

Here is how people solve this usually:

  • Have the designer slice the images manually / automatically using a PSD template
  • Use some sort of online image slicing service which emails you a zip of the various sizes

The problem with these solutions is:

  • Some times the various slices are not up to date with Xcode (new devices, new sizes)
  • It Almost always require extra work from you (placing each image manually in the catalog, fixing mismatches etc.)
  • You can’t control the quality of the resize
  • You can’t integrate the tooling into your build workflow or CI

Blade is an open source tool which will replace the PSD template and/or online services for you, and has a goal to satisfy the above requirements in the best way possible.


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/jondot/blade
  • Resource Maker: Dotan J. Nahum
  • Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
  • Programming Languages: Swift