What is ASIHTTPRequest?

ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications.

It is suitable performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The included ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using multipart/form-data.


  • Pricing: Free
  • Resource Link: https://github.com/pokeb/asi-http-request
  • Resource Maker: Ben Copsey
  • Mobile Platform Destination: iOS Apps
  • Mobile Platform Support: Native iOS
  • Programming Languages: Objective-C
  • iOS Versions Supported: iOS 6.0+, iOS 7.0+, iOS 8.0+, iOS 9.0+, iOS 10.0+, iOS 11.0+, iOS 12.0+