What is AlexaSkillsKit?

AlexaSkillsKit is a Swift library that allows you to develop custom skills for Amazon Alexa, the voice service that powers Echo. It takes care of parsing JSON requests from Amazon, generating the proper responses and providing convenience methods to handle all other features that Alexa offers.

AlexaSkillsKit has been inspired by alexa-app, SwiftOnLambda and alexa-skills-kit-java.

A sample project using AlexaSkillsKit can be found in the swift-lambda-app repo. This project also comes with a detailed description on how to deploy your custom skill. The article Building Alexa Skills in Swift contains a step-by-step introduction on how to use AlexaSkillsKit and swift-lambda-app to publish your own Alexa Skill.

It’s early days – expect API changes until we reach 1.0!
